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【June.3rd】English talking hike Phase11-九龙山

网友投稿发布于 2023-03-29 16:00:05


活动状态: 该活动已结束 关注程度: 1人参与/1人感兴趣       0条评论/190次浏览

【June.3rd】****** ****** hike ******九龙山 This is a ****** ****** hike ******. ****** read the ****** down  blow ******.This ******&n...


This is a ****** ****** hike ******. ****** read the ****** down  blow ******.This ****** is for those who can speak ****** and want to enjoy ****** by ******,if you are the one ,****** to join in,let's go back to ******.

Basic rules:

1.****** only:****** ****** we speak  ****** only.

2.Split the bill:It is a free ******,if any ****** ******,we spilt the bill.

Basic ******:

****** from ******.

****** level  ****** level

★☆☆☆☆ (1star)*

****** 8.3km  ****** 609m ****** 609m ****** time 5-6h

*one star means it's a ****** ****** hike which we get some time to drink tea and play card games,the ****** level would be more or less like ****** park.

trail trace : share in the ****** group later.

****** ******:

Add my ******: ******881

then text me your ****** or ****** name and phone ******  to sigh up,the last ****** to sigh up is 8 o'clock at night ****** hike.

****** group will be ****** on the last day.




Where do we meet? No. ****** time ****** point 1 9:00 am ******(金安桥line 6)metro ******,exit C Then we take a taxi to the ****** point(about 15min drive),it\'s a loop trail. ******(only as a ******) 9:30 make a brief ******n,start ******,chat/hike/take ******... 13:00 ****** time:we share food/eat ******/play card games/enjoy tea ****** 17:00 get to the ****** point,go back by bus or taxi to metro ******.



我是Paul·W,我声明: 这是一个非营利性活动,欢迎大家监督并在活动归来进行点评,如果大部分参与者认为这是一个含商业性活动,我将信守承诺3个月之内或永久不在发布活动。 大家可以看看我发起过的活动以及大家的评价,点此查看。




Food you need: ****** and ******,water as you need (at least 2L ),****** food would be ******. Gear you need: ****** shoes/****** ******/******/ hat/radio /****** poles



注意事项 ******: 因疫情原因,请确保健康码为绿色,行程码正常,且持有四十八小时以内核酸阴性报告。 Due to the ****** ******,make sure your ****** code is green,and ****** code is ******,****** ****** ****** ****** ****** is ******. 若需要购买保险,户外保险自行购买. Buy ****** ****** by ****** if you need. 这是个休闲徒步,因为我们要更多的聊天,想户外探险或走虐线请绕行,孕妇及未成年人禁止参加活动。 It is a ****** hike ,****** we wanna chat more ,if you want a ****** hike ,this ****** is not for you .****** woman and minor(under 18 years old) are not ****** to join. 禁止空降,如带外挂请按照报名流程报名。 Join us ****** ****** up is ****** ,if you have some ****** ,****** sigh up as above. 请安排好时间按时到达集合地点,迟到十五分钟视为放弃此次活动。 ****** get to the ****** point in time,those who are late for more than 15min will be ****** to have given up the event. 免除责任声明: ****** from ****** ******: 1.本活动为非营利性自助户外活动约伴活动,风险自担,责任自负。 This ****** is a ****** ****** ****** ****** with own risk and ****** ******. 2. 活动期间禁止独立离队,若因个人原因离队产生一切后果视作个人行为,与本活动无关。 ****** the team alone ****** the ****** is ******,If ****** leave the team due to ****** ******,all ****** ****** as ****** ******, which has ****** to do with this ******. 3. 参与者必须知晓户外运动必然有一定的危险性和不可预知性,必须自行承担除他人故意造成的人身损害外之全部的安全责任,发起人和活动参与者不对任何由户外运动本身具有的风险以及往返路途中发生的危险所产生的后果负责。 ****** must know there is ****** risk and ****** in ****** ******, must take all ****** ****** ****** the ****** ****** ****** by ****** ******,****** and ****** will not ****** for the ****** ****** ****** from ****** ****** ****** or ****** ******. 4. 参与者必须注意环保,不乱扔垃圾,把自己的垃圾带走。 ****** must pay ****** to ****** ******, no ******, take the ****** away. 5. 有不适合户外疾病的请勿报名,对于隐瞒自身身体及其它真实情况者,责任一律自负。 ****** who have ****** not ****** for ****** are ****** to sigh up. ****** who ****** their real ****** must take all of the ****** by ****** . 6. 请您认真阅读上述声明条款,如果您报名即表示已经仔细阅读并接受此声明。 ****** read the terms of the above ******, if you sign up that means you have ****** read and ****** the ****** above .




2)为了您的安全,请购买保险,保险和各大保险公司以及中国最大的电子商务保险公司战略合作,为大家推出多款保险。5元支出,几分钟操作,即可多一份保障, 立刻购买

3)请了解平台的定位以及活动规则,参见 活动规则

4)请了解活动强度,确定自己能够参与,立刻查看 活动强度分级



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