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210213The Fir.St. NB青虎湾岗10km

网友投稿发布于 2021-04-15 14:30:05






#Green Tiger Bay ******青虎湾岗
#Go up/******上升:856/979m
#****** route环线。
#You ****** be:18—****** ****** ****** with green code about ****** ******.
#If you are ****** You can ****** ****** the mini ****** ****** and fill out your ID info then the ****** will buy a piece of ****** ****** ****** ****** to you.必须通过小程序登记身份等信息,统一赠送活动保险。
If you are not ****** you can ask ****** help you to ****** ****** the mini ******.
#****** ******出行方式:Take the ****** ****** ****** bus to the place where the hike Start. 包大巴车往返。
The ****** place at The ****** ****** of No1 line named ****** North Road A exit.
Set out at 7:50
Price for the hike费用:******元.
The bus set out to start the hike in time and we do not wait for the ****** who are late ****** all the ****** if haven\'t ****** ******. 准时发车,准时徒步,过时不候。
****** go ****** ****** and do not walk alone for ****** ****** ****** all the ******.
为了安全考虑,在活动过程中要跟随领队,不要单独活动。#****** ****** can buy more ****** by self.建议每人可以为自己购买更多的保险。
#You’d ****** take two ****** ****** for your ******,knee ****** ****** and ******.为了更易于登山及保护膝盖及安全考虑,最好带上两根登山杖。
*Must wear hat(******),long ******
shirt,****** and ****** shoes or sport shoes. 必须戴帽子穿上长袖衣裤及运动鞋。
#****** going ****** ****** some ****** and ****** risks, so if you do not ****** the point ****** or your body and ****** ****** is not ****** of ****** over the risk,you’d ****** ****** not join us.通常户外活动都存在潜在或显而易见的风险,如果你对此没有充分考虑,或你的身体素质及健康状况不适合,请不要参加。
#We ****** will help each other ****** the ****** but you must take care of ****** and make sure be ****** for the ****** about your body,life,****** and ****** ****** ******.
Once you start the event means you have ****** it or you can ****** ASAP.活动过程中,我们肯定会互相帮助,但你须照顾好你自己确保为自己的生命、身体及财产的安全负责,一旦启程参与就默认同意此条,否则请不要参加。
#The ****** ****** but not ****** to:Some ****** risks ****** from ******,heavy rain or fog etc. ****** ******,****** on the ****** or into water area ,bited by wild ****** e.g. ******,dogs,******,****** etc. ****** from ****** or catch a cough,****** by ******,all kind of skin ****** about ****** and ****** and ****** ****** s意外事件说明:雷电、暴雨、大雾等极端天气导致的不可预测的风险,路湿滑摔跤,落水,意外跌倒,被蛇狗蚊虫蚂蟥等野生生物叮咬,中暑或受寒,被植物割伤,花粉、树叶导致皮肤过敏、交通意外等。
【****** index风景指数】
★★★★★(the ****** is ******最高为五星)
Don\'t ****** let any of ****** be ****** by bugs etc. and need ****** your steps firm and you can\'t run and climb ****** ****** event. 在活动过程中不要故意用虫子等生物吓唬队友,要确保脚步稳固,不要随意奔跑和攀爬。
* Foucs on ****** ******
so do not leave any non ****** ****** use ****** stuff off path,****** and ****** which we ******. 关注环保,不要留下不可降解的垃圾在路上。
******* your lunch by ******.Pls bring some ******,water or ****** ******.中餐自理,请带上食品和水。
*We can speak ****** and ****** in ******, so ****** your ****** as you like.在我们的活动中可以随意用汉语或英语沟通。
* 出行通知******:Will build ****** group for the event and share info about it by the day ****** ******出发前一天下午或晚上建**群或单独通知。
*If ****** ****** ****** will ****** it and ****** all fee to you.若遇极端天气,取消活动,费用全额退款。
*The ****** of all of the team ******\'t be made ******. 团队所有成员的肖像不允许公开。Your ****** is ****** by your ****** if the ****** ****** is reach ****** will stop when the ****** ****** ****** pay.
Your ****** will not be ****** due to any of your own ****** but you can seek ****** as ******.


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